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Allan's Philosophy Podcast

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Phun-size Philosophy # 12 – Power of Numbers

In life we all have those moments where we feel like we are on top of the world and nobody can compare to us right then and there. There are also times when we feel like we are nothing more than just a statistic and that our voice is being drowned out by the other 6 billion people in the world. We all have qualities that make us distinct and unique which is important in creating an individual identity. The thing is that out of the over 6 billion people in the world, at least one of them is bound to share similar qualities. Whether it is physical (yes I know I look like Frodo) or personality-wise, we all share qualities with others. It isn’t a bad thing because you need to have commonalities between each other in order to form successful relationships. In pure respects to the sheer mass of humanity, it is clear that the power of numbers gains its strength from quantity over quality. This ideology is an important part of life because it is applied to things that we hold very important. I wouldn’t have this computer to type to you if it wasn’t for mass production. When it comes to commodities, companies can’t completely forget about quality because a bad product won’t sell, but if they don’t make it cheap enough they aren’t able to create large amounts for distribution. The power of numbers credo doesn’t just apply to business but also in social respects as well. When it comes to your friends, it is much easier to do something if the whole group is into it. It is also easier to be coaxed into doing it, even against your will. This principle is called peer pressure. While the term isn’t necessarily a bad thing when not associated with actions it convinces others to do, it can be bad because it suppresses your ability to make decisions for yourself. Regardless of the situation where numbers apply, they can be a very powerful factor in anyone's life.

-Allan Nicholas

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